The Ice Dragon. 2019 Mount Holly, NC Lantern Parade 1st Place Winner
This dragon is 19′ long and 9′ tall.He has a wingspan of 12′.
His eyes open and close.
His mouth opens and closes, and he can “breathe” fire-ice out when his mouth is open.
His front arms move, as well as his wings.
His tail is designed to not be rigid, in order for it to be able to sway back and forth.
Six people are needed to carry this lantern.
13′ Green Snake. 2018 Mount Holly, NC Lantern Parade 2nd Place Winner
My incentive for this lantern is the black snake because it is extra good to have around.
It eats things that we do notwant to have near our homes, such as mice and baby copperhead snakes.
I made it green as it is a lantern and this makes a brighter color to view. I did, however, add mice and a baby copperhead to his wire framework.
He has four rigid sections carried by four people, connected by a moveable area. His mouth opens and closes.
Along the Parade Route
Detail of the rodents in the
belly of the snake
Head and Tail
Detail of Snake in belly
Building the Head
Madame Drabardi. Fortune telling gypsy with her magic ball.
2020 Mount Holly, NC Lantern Parade
The 2020 lantern parade was a circus theme. Because of Covid restrictions and protections, it was a “reverse parade”.
The lanterns were positioned along the path at a local park, and the spectators walked through. The gypsy had her hand resting on the
crystal ball, and the fortunes spun around within the ball.
I also provided fortune cards for the spectators to be able to take. Each fortune was unique.